Welcome to Kebtah.
We are here to share the rich heritage of the African Civilization with the
world. In a time when African culture is often misunderstood or undervalued, we are building bridges to connect Indigenous Africa
with the world.
Founded in 1995 by esteemed Dogon High Priest, Neb Naba Lamoussa Morodenibig, Kebtah carries forward a legacy of ancient wisdom. Drawing from a lineage of spiritual guardians, Neb Naba has brought to the West timeless knowledge that traces its roots back thousands of years to the great civilization of Kemet.
Today, we are an organization made up of the builders of all social and professional categories of civilization. Men and women, like you, who are proud to stand on the shoulders of the African civilizations and ensure that the Ancestral wisdom of yesterday informs today and protects tomorrow.